
Friday, November 9, 2012

Fall into Colors: Autumn's Harvest Blog Hop with Kristine Cayne #AHHop

Welcome to stop #49 on the Autumn's Harvest Blog Hop!

To participate in the Grand Prizes, you MUST leave a comment with your email address.

To participate in my Prize Giveaways, you MUST fill out the rafflecopter.

Fall is a strange time of the year for me. I love the changing colors of the leaves, but I hate seeing the leaves fall. When I lived on the east coast, putting on a warm sweater and wrapping myself up in a big blanket to read seemed like heaven after the sweltering heat of the summer. But since I moved to the Pacific Northwest, I'm always cold. I wear sweaters almost all year long. Does that surprise you? It sure as heck surprised me! One good thing about living in the Seattle-area is that there are a lot of trees, and the stunning fall colors remind me of home, which happens to be Montréal, Canada.

The last quarter of Deadly Obsession and all of Deadly Addiction (the first two books in my Deadly Vices series) take place in an area just north of Montréal. Nic and Rémi, my two heroes, have homes in a fictional town called St. Xavier that borders the Blackriver Reservation. The reserve's namesake is a gorgeous river that borders St. Xavier and runs up into the reserve. The photo below is an old one of a place called Lac St. Denis in the Laurentian Mountains, sixty miles north of Montréal  It's very much how I imagine St. Xavier with the reserve across the river.

This photo represents the vast uninhabited sections of the Blackriver reserve where some very illicit behavior takes place in Deadly Addiction. Aren't the colors beautiful?

If you're looking for a book with sizzle and heat to keep you warm this fall, try DEADLY ADDICTION, the latest book in my Deadly Vices series.

A violent clash of cultures and nations tests the forbidden love between a Native American man and a white female cop. 

When beautiful police sergeant Alyssa Morgan enters his life, Rémi Whitedeer never expects her to upend it. Not only does she have his hormones in an uproar, she's also threatening to take the position he wants--Chief of Police for the Iroquois Blackriver Reservation. But Alyssa is more than a Barbie cop. Her ends-justifies-the-means philosophy, so different from his own, challenges Rémi on every level. With her sharp investigative skills and her fearlessness, she leads Rémi to confront bitter truths about his family and his standing as a man of mixed race within his tribe.

Tall hunky Rémi Whitedeer, of the panty-melting grin and the smoldering green eyes, flips Alyssa's world ass over teakettle. She's always had a laser-like focus on the job, but Rémi proves a constant distraction. His inner strength and sense of purpose strip away the winner-take-all attitude Alyssa wears like armor. Soon she's longing for more--a more that terrifies and intrigues her. If he finds out the fine line she'd walked while undercover, will he still want her? And will she ever find the courage to let him--or anyone--that far in?

When Alyssa and Rémi uncover a drug-fueled scheme involving a biker gang from Alyssa's past and a militant sovereigntist group led by Rémi's cousin, they are forced to choose between their growing love for each other and the lives they've worked so hard to build. Will Rémi and Alyssa have to leave everything behind--even their identities--for the chance of a future together?

Find it on: Amazon ebook | Amazon print | Amazon (UK)Barnes & Noble | ARe | Kobo | Sony | SmashwordsApple/iTunes | Diesel

DEADLY OBSESSION, the first in the Deadly Vices series is currently on sale for only 99 cents!
Find it onAmazon ebook (77p at Amazon UK) | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | ARe


We have THREE grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Entries without an email address will be discarded. Yep, you can enter over 200 times!

Now what are those prizes?

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
2nd Grand Prize: A $50 Amazon or B&N Gift Card
3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains 10+ paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more!

Note: Grand Prizes 1 and 2 are International. Grand Prize 3 is US-only.

To Find the other 200+ Authors & Bloggers Click HERE!


I'm giving away an ecopy of the following books. Follow the rafflecopter to enter!

Title: Kade's Dark Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)
Author: Kym Grosso

Title: Luca's Magic Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)
Author: Kym Grosso


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you so much for visiting my blog hop stop, and best of luck with the giveaways!


  1. It’s hard to say what exactly would be my Go-To Autumn Romance book. When I think real hard about it, I would have to say it has a sexy, strong, determined male that when it comes to love is just lost. Then there has to be a woman who is usually in need of help or needs to know what love and family is. Together they heal each other and love turns out to be their greatest gift. I also love a happy ending at this time of year, usually where the epilogue has them starting their own family to love and cherish. Oh….and definitely HOT loving too!

    1. Hot loving is high on my list as well, Angelheart! Good luck with the giveaways :)

  2. I have no go-to autumn books, but I have no go-to seasonal books. I am more of a comfort reader not dependent on seasons.

    1. Comfort reading is great any time of the year, Carla. :) Good luck with the giveaways!

  3. I love the color of the leaves. No family traditions, i'm from Brazil and it's really hot here, we don't really see such a difference in the weather and my fall is not close to the holidays.
    Thanks for the pictures and the giveaway. :)

    1. You're very welcome, Isabelle! I'd love to visit Brazil someday. Good luck with the giveaways. :)

  4. This series sounds so good. This is the first time I've done a blog hop like this and it's so fun. But I need a 2nd job to pay for all the books I want.

    1. I completely understand about wanting more books than I can afford, Linda! It's a good thing there are so many great priced ebooks :) Good luck with the giveaways.

  5. Autumn is my favorite season! I like all the beautiful colors outside and the weather is not that hot anymore but not freezing cold either. It's just perfect! Thank you for the giveaway!

    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Veronika - those are the very reasons I like autumn. Also, that's when my first son was born. :) Good luck with the giveaways!

  6. I love the fall, I love the changing colors of the leaves, snuggling up with the one I love and hot cocoa. Only tradition we have is getting together during the holidays.


    Rafflecopter Name; Dawna Newman

    1. Dawn, snuggling up with hot cocoa and your loved one sounds wonderful! Thank you for joining me on the hop and best of luck with the giveaways!

  7. I love the smell of a campfire and roastin marshmallows with my family. We always do Thanksgiving at our house so the cooking and watching football and playing cards is our Thanksgiving. Thanks for the giveaway.
    crystaley73 at yahoo dot com

    1. Oh yes, roasting marshmallows! I haven't had that in ages. :) Good luck with the giveaways and Happy (early) Thanksgiving!

  8. I love fall, I love the colors, the weather( I'm in NC:)), I love wrapping up in a cozy blanket and reading a excellent romance novel with a hot cup of coffee! I love the pumpkin patches, the flowers, the fairs, the mountains are beautiful! I love getting ready for the holidays, spending time with my family, the wonderful food! Ok I am stopping now:) Both Deadly Addiction Deadly Obession were wonderful books! Thank you for being a part of this hop! Hope you enjoy your weekend!

    1. Allyson - the way you describe fall makes me love it. LOL! I'm so happy you enjoyed Deadly Obsession and Deadly Addiction. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the series as well as my new firefighter romance series just as much. Good luck with the giveaways!

  9. My favorite things about it are the crisp clean air, the changing of the leaves, and just how wonderful this time of year is :)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

    1. Cassandra, the air can definitely feel much crisper and cleaner in the fall. In some ways, it can be very refreshing. Best of luck with the giveaways!

  10. I really like the weather because it's not so cold.
    by.evie at yahoo dot com dot br

    1. Evie - I agree. It's a nice compromise between the heat of summer and the cold of winter (depending on where you live, of course). Best of luck with the giveaways!

  11. Fall is my favorite season & I love everything about it! I love the colors, the crunch of leaves, hot apple cider, and bonfires. We visit Turkey Run and the Hoosier National Forest every fall. We started when I was a little girl and now I share this tradition with my own family.

    1. Sassy - that sounds like such a wonderful tradition. And what a great idea t continue it with your own family. I have no doubt that your children will remember it as fondly as you do. Best of luck with the giveaways!

  12. I like autumn for the cooler temperature, the leaves changing color, and pumpkin pie.
    bituin76 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    1. JanD - you must live some place pretty hot. Personally, I could do with a little more heat in my summer. :) Best of luck with the giveaways!

  13. I love the cooler weather and the changing colors of the leaves.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

    1. Liese - the changing colors of the leaves is definitely my favorite part. I really love seeing big forests full of different shades of reds, oranges, greens and browns like in my photo. So beautiful. Best of luck with the giveaways!

  14. Kristine, those are some amazing pictures! I'm looking forward to your book on my TBR list next!

    staceyjoynetzel at

    1. Stacey - I'm so happy to hear I'm next in your TBR! I hope you love the Deadly Vices series. Best of luck with the giveaways!

  15. i love everything that autumn has to offer good reads hot cocoa and my favorite place to visit when i can when opportunity comes along is the pocnos in pa thanks for the chacne to win

    1. Angels Cove - the poconos! You're so lucky. I know some folks who went there on their honeymoon and loved it. Maybe some day. :) Best of luck with the giveaways!

  16. I love the cooler weather after the heat of summer. Seattle is a place that I would love to visit, but, would not like to be cold all the time.

    1. Ann - there are truly some die-hard Seattle fans. It really depends on how you handle heat. For me, the winter seems interminable if I haven't had a very healthy dose of hot summer days beforehand. I think I need to live in Florida or some place similar. :) Thank you for commenting and best of luck with the giveaways!

  17. Beautiful picture. Fall is my favorite time of year with spring being second. Will definitely get to your book, soon. Its in my TBR pile waiting for me!


    1. Terry - thank you for the compliment on my picture! The Laurentians are beautiful any time of year, but especially in the fall. I'm thrilled that my book is in your TBR. I hope you enjoy it! Best of luck with the giveaways.

  18. My favorite thing about Autumn is the changing color of the leaves. They are so pretty. My least favorite thing is raking up those pretty leaves. LOL I love to sit by the fire and read a great romance book. Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
    reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Renee - oh yes. You're the first to bring up raking the leaves. It's not so bad when they are light and dry. But when they are wet and heavy as they are here, it's awful. We have to bribe our kids to rake them up for us. LOL. Thank you for stopping by. Best of luck with the giveaways!

  19. I bet you throw a rocking Halloween party, Eva. You're enthusiasm leaps off the screen. :) Thank you for visiting my hop stop, and best of luck with the giveaways!

  20. Love reading and thinking of things that go bump in the night (with some romance of course)this time of year!


    1. LOL! "things that go bump in the night (with some romance of course)" Love that, Elie. Good luck with the giveaways!

  21. The best thing about autumn is . . .apples! I love them and all the things they are in, applesauce, apple pie, apple fritters! YUM!

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

    1. Susan - I love the apples too! We just picked a bunch from the trees in our yard. I think I see applesauce in my future. Good luck with the giveaways. :)

  22. I love the cooler weather, all the pumpkin stuff and Halloween!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

    1. You're most welcome, Natasha! Thank you for hopping with us and good luck with the giveaways. :)

  23. I adore autumn because of the amazing colors, bundling up in sweaters, Halloween and my birthday! Autumn also means cuddling up with a good book and a cup of cocoa!


    I love the hops cause of all the awesome new books I find to add to my to read list!

    1. April - it seems that no matter how big our TBR is, there is always room for one more great book. Now if only we had the time to read them all. LOL. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  24. My favorite thing about the fall is the cooler weather... but baking with pumpkin is a close second!

    1. OOps - forgot my email - jochibi AT yahoo DOT com

    2. Jo - apples are definitely a plus in the fall. Here in Washington state, we grow a huge variety of apples. It's really fun to try new ones out each year. Thank you for hopping and best of luck with the giveaways!

  25. Thanks for the giveaway!! My favourite thing about Autumni s the cooler tempertaures! jenni_bearz(at)hotmail(dot)com

    1. Jennifer - you must live some place that has hot summers, right? I'm a heat junkie myself. Maybe we should trade places? :) Good luck with the giveaways!

  26. Love the cooler weather.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

    1. Thank you for hopping with us, Joy. Best of luck with the giveaways!

  27. I love that it's the start of my favorite holidays and we love to go pumpkin picking.

    1. Vanessa - fall definitely is the beginning of a fabulous season of giving and sharing. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  28. Lovely Pics thanks for sharing them :)

    Too cold outside for me personally ...
    Baking happens more in the fall & winter as well as canning fruits and veggies...

    Happy Holidays


    1. So glad you liked the pics, Beckey! I'm with you regarding the cold. It seems to be deep in my bones. LOL. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  29. where i live i love to watch the mountains changing colors. thanks for joining the hop.

    1. I agree, Mariam. Seeing the colors change, especially in the mountains is a sight not to be missed. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  30. I love Halloween and ALL things pumpkin!

    Thanks for the giveaway! I love discovering new to me authors especially for my blog! <3
    tobihelton at gmail dot com

    1. Tobi, I'm so glad you could stop by, and I'm thrilled to be discovered by you. :) Seriously, I love that blog hops like these connect readers and authors. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  31. I Love Halloween And Thanksgiving My Mother Used To Make Both Holidays So Warm And Special For Me And My Siblings. I Miss Her Very Much Every Day.

    1. April - it sounds like your mother was a very special woman. By continuing the traditions she shared with you, you are keeping her legacy alive. Good for you! Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways. :)

  32. My favorite thing has to be the smell of the air as the seasons change and temps begin to cool off. also, this season is the beginning of the holiday season for me. I am a kid at heart and co.spider Halloween to be one of my favorite holidays. my name is valerie McQueen and my email is valerie.mcqueen@yahoo.comthanks for the giveaway

    1. Valerie - fall and early winter really are a fun time with all the holidays, parties, and gatherings. I hope you have a blast with it this year. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  33. My favorite part of Autumn is the Crisp Air, the way it surrounds you and gives you that extra little step.

    1. Hi Patches - on a sunny day, the crisp air can definitely put a bounce in anyone's steps, especially when you can see the mountains and the colors of the leaves changing. It's magical. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  34. I love the fall colors but do hate the leaf raking, it is hell on my allergies. I do love the cooler weather! Sad time for me right now as my husband and I are going to be separating. Thanks for the chance to win and Have A Great Thanksgiving!


    1. Oh Missy, I'm so sorry to hear that. Holidays can be a great time but they can also be very difficult and lonely for people going through personal troubles. Be strong and gather your friends close so you can be reminded of how much you are loved. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  35. The fall colors are gorgeous! I grew up in Southern Maine, and would love to visit that area again. My uncle still lives in Maine, and posts pictures regularly, which is just a very special treat for me. I used to love the way crisp cool mornings turned into warm afternoons and then cooled off. And autumn bonfires- the smells, the sights, the friendships... just all really good stuff, wonderful memories.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Tami - it sounds like you need a return visit to Maine! The way you describe it sounds so wonderful. I want to be there. :) Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  36. I love everything about Fall--the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch (of the cool air). I especially love that the tourists are gone from my area, the lovely deserted beaches, and "sweater weather." I am the queen of sweater twin sets!
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

    1. "Queen of the sweater twin sets!" Loved that, Catherine! Enjoy this quieter time so you'll be ready for the barrage of tourists when it returns. :) Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  37. Hi Kristine,
    I was hope you were giving away your books. :) I'm anxious to start the series. I guess I'll have to head to Amazon to buy them. Happy blog hopping.

    1. Hi Dana - sorry about that. :) Check out the Romance in the Rain blog tour. We're giving away 11 prize packages, one of which includes a print copy of the first two Deadly Vices books and several of which include ecopies. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  38. I love fall. Those pictures remind me of when I was back in NH. delphinareadstoomuch at yahoo

    1. Delphina - yes, I would expect NH to look very similar to northern Montreal at this time of year. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  39. I love Autumn for the leaves. I read lots of books as it gets colder.

    smurfettev AT gmail DOT com

    1. Sheri - Autumn and winter are perfect for snuggling up with a hot book. :) Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  40. I love the Fall because of the football games and tailgating! And of course having a campfire with roasted hotdogs! Thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway!

    kacidesigns AT yahoo DOT com

    1. Kaci - the campfire with roasted hotdogs sound heavenly. Can I join you? LOL. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  41. I LOVE Autumn for the cooler weather and cozy clothes

    kissyjensen at gmail dot com

    1. The cozy clothes are a definite advantage because I hate being cold. :) Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  42. I like watching the leaves change.

    Thanks for sharing and being a part of the hop!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

    1. You're so welcome, Donna! Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  43. One thing I love about Autumn is all the snuggling, whether witha loved one or with a good book. When I was younger and living in Colo, we used to go to Manitou Springs, has beautiful trees every where and this little shop that made real salt water taffy,,it was awesome

    1. Leena - what a great memory! Apple picking is one of my favorite fall memories. I probably should take my kids apple picking some day. :) Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  44. I love the changing leaves in Autumn.
    lisarayns at gmail dot com

    1. Me too, Lisa - it's the best part! Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  45. I loved the Northeast also! The colors are beautiful when the leaves change, but like you, I don't like when they fall off of the trees. To me, everything looks dead and bare then. I now live in Florida, so we don't really see season changes here.
    I don't really have any family traditions, but love the holidays that come along in Autumn. :)
    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.
    trb0917 at

    1. You're so welcome, Tina! I'm thinking of doing the snowbird thing when we retire. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

  46. I love driving up the river road and seeing the changing of the colors. My husband and I will stop at a quaint restaraunt for lunch and a glass of wine. It is wonderful.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

    1. That sounds absolutely delightful, Mel! It's great that you can your husband can share this lovely time together. Thank you for hopping with us and best of luck with the giveaways!

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