
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Naughty New Year Goals - Let's Share! #naughtyhop

Welcome to the Naughty New Year's Blog Hop!

A new year is the time for new resolutions and goals. Since we're talking naughty books on this blog hop, I'm going to share some reading goals as well as some writing goals.

2013 Reading Goals
I read a lot of books, mostly romantic suspense and paranormal romance. I don't know exactly how many I read though; setting a number goal intimidates me. But, I am pledging to reading more erotic romance and erotica. I want to try a wider variety as well.

I'm also pledging to read more M/M books, ranging from sensual to erotic. I recently read Fair Game by Josh Lanyon and loved it! The sex was fairly tame, but the sexual tension was great as was the mystery plot.

2013 Writing Goals
Last year was the year of launching myself into self-publishing. The learning curve was huge and the ride thrilling, to say the least. But each new year needs to bring new challenges. A couple weeks ago, I released Under His Command, the first book in my new Six-Alarm Sexy erotic romance series. I have two ongoing series, but I've written the books consecutively. This year, I'm going to attempt to write the books simultaneously. That should be fun!

Be on the look out for Deadly Betrayal, book three in my Deadly Vices romantic suspense series. Kaden will travel to Afghanistan where he is caught up in a web if lies, deceit, and corruption.

And look for books two (Everything Bared) and three (title TBD) in the Six-Alarm Sexy series. I'm really excited to be working with Kim Killion and Jenn LeBlanc to get fabulous firefighter photos for my books and swag. I don't want to reveal too much about the plot of these next two books, but rest assured, there will be plenty of kinkiness!

Now that you've heard about my Six-Alarm Sexy series, maybe I should tell you a little about the first book, Under His Command?

Under His Command is available on Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon DE | Amazon FR for only $2.99 (or equivalent).

A firefighter desperate to save his failing marriage earns the trust--and the sexual submission--of his controlling wife in the most pleasurable of ways.

After an explosive one-night stand results in pregnancy, Jamie Caldwell is thrilled to marry the perfect foil to his Dom side. But when his submissive wife starts cringing every time he gives a command, Jamie shackles his dark desires. A bout of rough, frenzied reunion sex makes him wonder if now he should free the Dom he's kept in chains and teach Erica the joys of submission and sexual surrender.

Erica Caldwell secretly loved every sinful thing Jamie did to her on their first night together. However, terrified she'll become a codependent doormat like her mother, she repeatedly rejects Jamie's dominance, despite craving the kind of release only he can give her--the release that comes from yielding to Jamie's every demand.

Hoping that the trust required by BDSM will help them rebuild their faith in each other, Jamie and Erica embark on a journey of sexual exploration. But is it too late to repair their crumbling marriage?

A Snippet

Something soft and cool slid over her eyes. “What’s this?” she asked, reaching for it.

“Shh… It’s just a blindfold. To heighten your senses.”

Like she needed her senses heightened? He’d already taken her places she’d never been. “I’m not sure about—”

His hand smacking her butt cheek completely derailed her train of thought. “Did you just slap me?”

“That was a spank. Now turn around.” He tied the scarf over her eyes, plunging her into darkness.

She really should resist, tell him to stop. Something. But she didn't  “Okay. Why should I let you spank me?” she asked. So far this night had been like nothing she’d expected. Jamie was skilled and unpredictable. And she was genuinely curious.

“Because you love it.” His fingers trailed down the crease between her cheeks and dipped into her. Her body convulsed, pushing against his hand to take more of him. What was it about fingers that felt so darned good?

Another smack, this one a little harder, had her trembling. “See how wet you are? How good it feels?” he said.

He was so right. 

My Prizes

A Measured Risk by Natasha Blackthorne

He is her most dangerous temptation and now he is demanding her submission. Dare she take the risk?

Young dowager countess, Lady Cranfield, is emotionally scarred by the traumatic accident that took her husband's life. She cannot forget how he was killed and breathed his last in the circle of her trembling arms.

Imprisoned by her lingering fear of horses and carriages, Lady Cranfield is fascinated by the brave, self-assured Earl of Ruel and longs to be closer to him. She believes he alone can teach her how to overcome her terror. 

Seduced by the covert, come-hither glances from the shy Lady Cranfield, Ruel sensed she would be the sweetest, most submissive experience of a lifetime-if only he can gain her total and complete trust. 

Lady Cranfield grew up emotionally neglected by her ducal parents and later betrayed by her charming, handsome husband. She has learned that she can trust no one and protects herself at all costs. However, she's desperate to regain her former life and now willing to risk almost anything-her reputation, even her virtue.

But Ruel wants something she never expected. He makes her a non-negotiable offer. His help in return for her complete sexual submission and total obedience for one month.

Dare she take the risk?

Romance in the Rain: A Seattle Anthology contains "Aftershocks" the prequel to the Six-Alarm Sexy series. While Under His Command can be read stand-alone, "Aftershocks" provides background and depth to Jamie and Erica's conflicts.

From the pioneer days of Seattle through the smoke-filled clouds of WWII and into the present, Romance in The Rain takes readers on a journey with four generations of the strong-willed and passionate Caldwell family. The anthology of six novellas is a collaboration of the Seattle-based Rainy Day Writers group.

To enter: Fill out the rafflecopter below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grand Prizes
We have two amazing grand prizes for you this week!

1st Grand Prize: a $100 giftcard to EdenFantasys

2nd Grand Prize: a digital gift basket of 10 erotic books

To enter: Leave a comment with your email address in it. Entries without an email address will be discarded. 

Question: What is your 2013 Naughty Reading Goal?

Keep Hopping!
Thank you to everyone for participating in the Naughty New Year's Blog Hop. I wish you all heath, happiness, and success for 2013!

Keep hopping for more chances to win. Click on one of the blogs in the linky list below or go to the main blog hop website:

Happy New Year!


  1. One naughty book a week in 2013 for me!

    1. That's a lofty goal, Steph. Good luck with it and with the giveaways!

  2. Read more naughty books; at least one a week in 2013!
    Thank you for the Hop!
    Happy 2013!
    PS I tweet but I know the url thing won't work for me; sorry
    I tried at least!

    1. Thanks for trying, Dee. Good luck with your goals and with the giveaways!

  3. Write lots more :)

    1. Oh yeah. :) Good luck with your goal and with the giveaways!

  4. Great contest! Can't wait for more books in the Five Alarm series. Loved Under His Command.

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed Under His Command, Shell! I'll be getting to work on Dani's book very soon. :) Good luck with the giveaways!

  5. I want to read more naughty books in 2013. My goal is a total of 400 books. I hit 450 this year but I'm goingto back down my goal a little

    smurfettev AT gmail DOT com

    1. OMG, 450 books?! I just don't read fast enough for a goal that high. Good luck with it and with the giveaways!

  6. Hi Kristine ... I do not have a specific naughty goal and I did not track books read well in 2012. I know I read over 30 between October and November, but plan to track better in 2013. So if I read 200 a year, I would hope at least half have naughty bits. I do prefer the full length novels and found they do not usually tend to be as naughty as the short ones I have read.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Sounds like you've got a dilemma there, Theresa :) My books have lot of naughty bits. LOL. Good luck with your goal and with the giveaways!

  7. One naughty book a week in 2013 for me!

    1. Great goal, Laurie. Good luck with it and with the giveaways!

  8. Hi! Happy New Years! There are so many books coming out that im excited for. Instead of naming them, can i name authors instead? Laurann Dohner, Olivia Cunning, Lorelei James, etc. Thanks for the awesome hop and all the giveaways! This is so fun! I love these hops! I always meet new authors, reconnect with old ones and my TBR list grows by leaps and bounds! Thank you!! Have a great day! Best wishes and many blessings to you!

    1. Happy New Year to you too, Shadow! Thank you for the great author recommendations. I've read and loved Lorelei James, but haven't yet read the other two. They are definitely going on my TBR list! Good luck with the giveaways!

  9. My naughty reading goal is to continue to read!

    Thanks for hosting the hop!


    1. That's a perfect goal, Jessi. :) Good luck with it the giveaways!

  10. Happy New Year! I love to read naughty books and hope to be able to find time to read more of them.

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

    1. Happy New Year, Susan. Good luck with your goal and with the giveaways!

  11. thanks for the hop. cant wait to see who wins; naughty is nice, going to be a sexier senior citizen
    vera28546 at yahoo (dot) com

    1. LOL! I love that, Vera. Good luck with your goal and with the giveaways!

  12. Happy New Year!!! I love reading and learning new things. My New Year's goal is to find many more things to try with my wonderful husband of 20 years.

    1. Aw, that's such a sweet goal. Learning new things keeps us young and doing them with your spouse sounds like a wonderful way to strengthen your bond. Good for you! Good luck with the giveaways!

  13. I'm going to try and read as many M/M books as I can this year. I got a bit side tracked last year reading mostly Paranormal/Urban Fantasy and YA books.


    1. Great goal, Penumbra, especially since it lines up with one of mine. :) Let me know if you find and great M/M reads. Good luck with the giveaways!

  14. My goal is to read 100 books this year, so I may have to mix some genres up. With all the amazing new book releases in 2013 I don't think books will be an issue but TIME.... well I gotta make it happen!
    uilani25 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    1. I hear you, Dione. Time is always an issue for me too. Good luck with your goal and with the giveaways!

  15. Have a naughty new year!

    always.and.never AT gmail DOT com

    1. The same to you too, Rhianna! Good luck with the giveaways!

  16. Happy New year!

    1. Happy New Year to you too, Ms. Reality! Good luck with the giveaways.

  17. I'm going to read a lot more BDSM stories.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I've grown to enjoy BDSM stories a lot myself, Jillyn, as long as they have romance as well. :) Good luck with your goal and with the giveaways!

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  19. My goal? To start reading one naughty book a week!


    1. Great goal, Felicia. Good luck with it and with the giveaways!

  20. Happy New Year and hope to read 3 books a week...

    Michelle B. aka koshkalady

    purrpurrkoshkamb at aol dot com

    1. Wow! That's a lot of books, Michelle! Good luck with your goal and with the giveaways!

  21. I've never set any reading goals...Maybe it is because I'm always reading. This year I'm going to try to discover new authors.

    ladiie_vee at yahoo dot com

    1. I've been trying to do that as well, Vanessa. There are so many great new indie authors to chose from now. Good luck with your goal and with the giveaways!

  22. I plan on reading at least 400 books and reviewing as many as possible.


    1. I'm amazed at how fast some of you read, Emily! I'm especially happy to hear that you're planning to review a lot of the books that you read. It really is so important to most of the authors. Thank you! Good luck with your goal and with the giveaways!

  23. I'd like to read 50 different erotic stories this year, in a wide variety of subjects to expand my mind (and come up with some naughty ideas to use with the hubby!). I love reading them, finding new erotic authors to enjoy, and learning about a wide variety of topics.


    1. Exactly, Kay. Reading is learning and if it helps spice up your love life, even better! :) Good luck with your goal and with the giveaways!

  24. i really do not need to set a reading goal..i read all the time..thank god for my kindle...and i love the naughties...;)

    1. Reading naughties on an e-reader does make things easier, doesn't it? :) Thank you for stopping by and good luck with your goal!

  25. last year i read over 320 books, I think I need to cut back my reading :)

    Happy New Year

    1. Holy Moly, Stacey! That's a lot of books. Have a great 2013 and good luck with the giveaways!

  26. You're welcome! Good luck with the giveaways!

  27. I resolve to read more naughtiness this year :)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  28. I loved my lady gambler
    thanks. My resolution is to make my hubby think I am being naughtier ;)
    mrsbrinius at comcast dot net

  29. I want to read more naughty books this year. I read a lot through the first half of the year but in August I got really busy and didn't finish a single book for the rest of the year. Thanks for the great giveaway.

    thompsonem3 at aol dot com

  30. Thanks for the giveaway and Happy New Year!!!!! I can't wait for all the new books that will be coming out in 2013!

  31. I'm going to read a variety of books this year.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  32. I plan on reading at least 100 books this year read 3 last night all erotic so i guess i am on a naughty roll lol. Thanks for being part of the hop.

  33. Other than do some reading some books, no.

    crystaley73 at yahoo dot com

  34. My writing goal is to make it a bit more naughty this year... there's gonna be some spanking going on in 2013. I plan to write more words than I read too. BUT I also just added your book Under His Command to my TBR so I may have just went against my own resolution but it looked too good!

  35. Happy New Year!!
    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  36. i am planing to read more books of all generas including ones with adult content
    kaholgate at ymail dot com

  37. I am going to read more romantic suspense-thanks for the "hop"

  38. I am going to try to read more period and if those books just happen to have naughty bits in them well then all the better.

    Happy New Year.


    abinormyl AT gmail DOT com

  39. I´m going to try to keep up the reading from 2012, 346 books, =) almost one book a day >.< more than half was naugthy..
    Thanks for the giveaway & Happy New Year!
    fr_larsson at hotmail dot com

    Oh, and if you want to double check my reading =D i´m on Goodreads

  40. Just trying to read as much as I can.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  41. My reading goals this year are fairly broad: make a dent in the to read pile and read some a variety of new books--try some different genres, writing styles, or otherwise outside of my usual reads. And my one of my regular resolution is to find more time to read!

    dancingcelt at gmail dot com

  42. I would like to read more M/M/F this year and M/M too. Thank you for the giveaway and Happy New Year!

  43. i just want to continue reading as much as i did in 2012. and write reviews for some books this year as well. thanks for the giveaway. happy 2013!
    pepperpenn42 at gmail dot com

  44. My goals this year, in between reading, are to make alot of trips to Goodwill or Habitat for Humanity with items I've cleared out of the house; try to eat healthier & get more exercise. Thanks for being part of this hop & the giveaway!

    JessieL62 at comcast dot net

    1. P.S. I have "Under His Command" on my Kindle. Downloaded it last week & cannot wait to read it.

  45. to read more books
    Happy new year!

  46. My naughty reading goal is to catch up on all the naughty reads I did not get to read last year. (to finish the BDB series) And to start some new naughty series the year. And still read my romance and paranormal romance books. :)


  47. Happy New Year and thanks for hosting. This year I want to read more and be naughty.

  48. Thanks for doing the hop!! I am working on a goal of 365 books read this year! You can bet there will be many naughty books on that list!!
    So, many great new authors and book to add to my TBR pile and stalk after this hop!

  49. hi! happy new year! thank you for sharing in the hop! :D

    the naughty read i'm anxious to read this year is "lover at last by j r ward!"


  50. I still have to read what Im behind on my reading list :)
    Thank you very much for the great giveaway and fun blog hop!
    I wish you a very Happy New Year!
    Latisha D

  51. I don't set reading goals. I have so little spare time, I try to save it for writing. I'm seriously lucky if I can read two books a month.
    As for writing goals, I hope to release my next two books this year. It's not completely under my control...but we'll see. :) Happy New Year!

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I have Deadly Obsession on my TBR list (which is rapidly exceeding my lifespan). I enjoy reading so much that I need to set limits, not goals - lol. I've been startled awake more times than I can count by the sound of my ereader falling out of my hands as I pass out.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

    Happy New Year!


    whitk227 (at) gmail (dot) com


  54. My reading goal for 2013 is 150 books. I discovered many great new authors in 2012 that I'm looking forward to more from this year!

  55. I would like to read as many naughty books as I have time for.

    Happy New Year!

  56. My goal is to read more sexy books this year. ;) thanks for the chance! girlfloyd at gmail (dot) com

  57. I just started the Shadowland series and can't wait to continue!

    books4me67 at ymail dot com
